Sunday, June 12, 2011

It's been a looooonnngggg time!

So, my kids got me thinking the other day when they had gone through some stuff and saw a journal that I hadn't written in. And Lucy told me that I need to write in it. I'm not very good at this stuff, but I guess all we can do is try, right? It also made me think about the lesson in Relief
Society today and it was on OBEDIENCE. When we are little we are I guess "scared" into obedience. If we don't do what are parents want us to do there will be consequenses. We do what is right because we don't want to disappoint our parents or the Lord. BUT....there has to come a point where you KNOW what to do, it's easy to make right choices. Don't get me wrong we can and will make mistakes, but just as are parents were the example to us we need to be an example to our own children. Part of obedience is FAITH. The great thing is that with Faith and being Obedient we individually learn that blessings come, our prayers are answered a peace within your soul. This is because He knows us and loves us and delights in us doing the things we are asked to do. Someone today mention that she looks for the BIG things to set out to do to prove herself to the Lord. I say that its the small things, it's these that show our true desires to be obedient and to be like Him. I'm grateful for my foundation, for my faith and for the relationship that I have with my Heavenly Father. I hope my children will see my example and can know and feel of my love. They are strong and loving spirits and they fill my heart.

We have started reading the scriptures together at night and I love to see Lucy reading them and as they listen I ask them questions. Ellie has answers that tells me of her "deep understanding" she amazes me. I can tell that Gavin is learning the real meaning of Lamen and Lemuel's murmuring and he reads really well, I hope this helps him gain a knowledge and love for the scriptures as now is the time to prepare for him to serve a mission.

Love you